Data and Insight Combine, as Grow Picks ‘Best Picture’ Oscar Winner

The data experts at Grow, using their Data Navigation Dashboard and some intuition, successfully predicted that Parasite would win the 2020 Academy Award for Best Picture. If they were available for comment, I am sure they would like to thank all the little people who helped behind the scenes.

In our blog late last week, in which we made our prediction, growth engineer Juliet Fletcher pointed out that “the Academy is now using a preferential ballot system to determine Best Picture, which has a tendency to change the calculus somewhat.” Based on all the data collected, the balloting intricacies, and some gut feeling, Fletcher and her Grow Dashboard chose Parasite as the winner despite some strong competition.

This was no safe pick; the chalk was either 1917 or, perhaps, Once Upon a Time. . .in Hollywood. The movie--in Korean, with English subtitles--is the first film ever not in Engish to win the coveted award. But that’s exactly why the data and observations led Fletcher to choose it. “There is no doubt that, with all the talk about the lack of diversity in this year’s nominations, an international film winning would be a huge statement.”

So there’s what could be the magic combination. Whether picking Oscar winners or making business decisions, the right data combined with intelligent observation and insight, will win every time.


축하해, 자라!

Chughahae, jala!


(Congratulations, Grow!)

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