Seeing Data as a Product is One Way to Get More People to Use Analytics

Data products include models, reports, dashboards, and other types of data applications. However, referring to them as data products does not imply considering data as a product.

The Paradigm Shift: Data as a Product

Understanding Data as a Product

Traditionally, data has been viewed as a resource or asset—valuable, yet passive. In contrast, the DaaP approach treats data as an active, customer-focused product. This means designing, building, and maintaining data with the end user's needs and experiences in mind, much like any other product. It involves a strategic shift towards user-centric data management, where the goal is to deliver data that is not only accurate and timely but also accessible, understandable, and actionable for its intended audience.

Key Components of the Data as a Product Paradigm

  • User-Centricity: At the heart of DaaP is a deep focus on the end-user. Data products are designed with a clear understanding of who the users are, what they need, and how they prefer to consume data. This approach demands a shift from technical to functional design, emphasizing usability and engagement.
  • Quality and Governance: Like any product, the quality of data products is paramount. This includes not only the accuracy and completeness of data but also its relevance and timeliness. Effective governance processes are essential to ensure that data products remain trustworthy and fit for purpose over time.
  • Cross-functional collaboration: Developing and maintaining data products requires collaboration across various roles and departments, from IT and data engineers to business analysts, product managers, and end users. This collaborative approach ensures that data products are well-integrated into business processes and truly meet user needs.
  • Iterative Development and Feedback Loops: Data products are not static; they evolve based on user feedback and changing business needs. Agile development practices, including iterative releases and continuous improvement, are key to adapting data products to remain relevant and valuable.

Benefits of Adopting Data as a Product

  • Enhanced Decision-Making: By making data more accessible and user-friendly, DaaP enables more informed decision-making across the organization. Users at all levels can leverage data insights to drive strategic and operational improvements.
  • Increased Data Literacy: A product-focused approach to data encourages broader engagement with data across the organization, thereby enhancing data literacy. As users become more comfortable and familiar with data products, they are more likely to incorporate data-driven insights into their daily work.
  • Operational Efficiency: Well-designed data products streamline processes by providing users with the information they need when they need it. This can lead to significant gains in operational efficiency and productivity.
  • Innovation and Competitive Advantage: By fostering a culture that values data as a strategic asset, organizations can spur innovation. Data products can reveal new insights, support experimentation, and drive the development of new business models, products, and services.

Why Treat Data as a Product?

  • Enhanced User Experience: Tailoring data solutions to fit the specific needs of different users within an organization makes data more accessible and useful. BI platforms become more than just tools; they become integral solutions that drive daily decisions.
  • Improved Data Quality and Accessibility: When data is treated as a product, there's a concerted effort to maintain, update, and improve its quality and accessibility. This ensures that Business Intelligence software delivers consistent, reliable insights to all users, regardless of their technical expertise.
  • Accountability and Ownership: Assigning responsibility for data products within an organization fosters a culture of accountability. Teams dedicated to these data products focus on keeping them relevant, up-to-date, and aligned with the evolving needs of the business.

How to Implement the Data-as-a-Product Approach

Form Teams Across Departments

Start by bringing together people from different parts of the company, including IT, data analysis, business units, and design. This diverse team will use BI tools to ensure the data products they create are easy to use, meet business goals, and are technically solid. Having varied perspectives helps in making data more accessible and useful for everyone in the company.

User-Centric Design

At the heart of the data-as-a-product approach is a commitment to user-centric design. This means that BI platforms and tools must be designed with the end user in mind, ensuring ease of use, accessibility, and relevance. Dashboards, reports, and analytics features should be intuitive, requiring minimal technical expertise to interpret and act upon the data presented. This approach not only increases the adoption of Business Intelligence software across an organization but also ensures that data products provide meaningful, actionable insights to users.

Prioritize Data Quality

The foundation of valuable data products is high-quality data, which calls for strict data management methods. Business Intelligence platforms play a critical role in this process, offering tools for data cleansing, integration, and validation to ensure that the data product is accurate and reliable. 

Also, setting up rules for who can access what data and how it's used helps maintain privacy and compliance, keeping your data product secure and reliable.

Choose the Right Tools

Picking the right BI tools and software is key. The market is full of options, each with different features. Companies need to select tools that fit their specific needs, can grow with them, and integrate well with other systems. The right BI tools not only make it easier to manage data products but also enhance a company's ability to analyze data.


Reimagining data as a product is not just innovative—it's essential for encouraging wider use of analytics across your organization. By treating data with the care, creativity, and strategic focus typically reserved for product development, we can unlock its full potential, making insights more accessible and actionable for everyone. 

Grow understands the transformative power of viewing data as a product. Our Business Intelligence platform is designed to make analytics accessible, intuitive, and actionable for businesses of all sizes. With Grow, turning data into actionable insights becomes simpler, empowering your team to make informed decisions swiftly and confidently.

To experience how Grow can transform your data into a powerful asset, we invite you to take advantage of our 14-day free trial. See for yourself how easy it can be to harness the power of your data and drive your business forward.

Don't let your data sit idle. Transform it into a product with Grow, and unlock the insights you need to propel your business into its next growth phase. Start your free trial today and step into a more data-driven tomorrow.

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