Grow + Signagelive

Following the signs on the path of success.

Signagelive is a digital signage platform used to manage screens for 1,700+ customers in 43 countries in industry sectors including retail, automotive, quick service restaurants, education, stadiums, and healthcare. With all-inclusive support and updates, Signagelive is a global leader in digital signage.

Jason Cremins Founder & CEO Signagelive

Integrations used.

Removing the Confusion of Business Intelligence

As a global company, Signagelive was searching for a business intelligence solution that would work for a company with thousands of customers across the globe and several international offices. Signagelive Founder & CEO Jason Cremins says, “We had been using another BI solution and whilst we liked the pricing, we were frustrated with the lack of features and inability to share dashboards by URL with our commercial and support teams in the UK, USA, and Singapore.”

In addition to struggling to find a tool that was easily accessible, Signagelive needed a tool that could offer powerful visualization at a decent cost. Cremins explains, “We continually struggled to create charts and dashboards that were easily digested and insightful within our CRM, and despite trying several other BI tools, we could not find a solution that offered the right balance of features and price.”

Closing the Gap

“Grow delivers where others fail. The price and performance is unrivaled.”

Most business intelligence solutions fall into two categories: Enterprise-level products that cost five and six figures a year, and companies that charge just a few bucks a month, but only offer limited features and little or no support. Unfortunately, Signagelive was stuck between those options—needing the robust features of an enterprise solution, but not wanting to spend tens or hundreds of thousands of dollars to get it. So, Cremins started searching for an alternative, and finally found Grow.

“I have personally reviewed 10+ major BI tools over the last 3+ years,” says Cremins. “Grow delivers where others fail. The price/performance of Grow is unrivaled.”

Clear and Effective Visualization

“Grow is one platform that provides everything we require.”

Grow has helped Signagelive significantly simplify their processes. Cremins says that Grow is the “one platform that provides everything we require—no more trying multiple tools to achieve our BI objectives.” In addition to that, implementation has been extremely successful: “Grow is visible to the whole company. All data is visible on our office displays and via dashboards and reports.”

“Grow has become the source of truth.”

For Signagelive, Grow has become “the source of truth for the team to chase down monthly, quarterly, and annual targets,” says Cremins. “I had not expected the healthy competitive aspect that the dashboards would provide within our commercial team, and specifically the competition between regions.”

But what are Cremins’ favorite features? “Being able to share dashboards by URL is number one, but the ability to clone charts is critical as it allows us to build global and regional variants of our dashboards with ease,” he says.

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